Kagan Charitable Foundation Grant Application Guidelines

Kagan Charitable Foundation funds professional development proven to actively engage students through interactive teaching strategies.
Please carefully read the guidelines below before submitting an application. After receiving your application, Kagan Charitable Foundation may contact you for further information.
Funding Our Mission
Our mission is to empower teachers with more engaging teaching strategies. Greater student engagement translates to higher student motivation, greater learning, and greater school success, especially for disadvantaged students who often struggle when teachers use traditional teaching methods. Teachers need solutions to engage all students. Our mission is to invest in teachers’ professional development to make a profound, positive impact on the educational experience of the students they serve.
Qualifying Criteria
The requested professional development must meet ALL of the following requirements:
- Improves pedagogy based on scientific research
- Creates measurable increase in student interaction and engagement
- Elevates academic achievement, especially for disadvantaged students
- Has a documented track record of success in schools
- Enhances student relations and social skills through positive student-to-student interactions
- Is designed to be implemented by general education classroom teachers and/or administrators
Types of Programs Funded
While applicants are free to choose to apply to any professional development program that meets the criteria, here are some qualifying programs to consider:
- Kagan Professional Development
- Marcy Cook’s Math
- Marilyn Burns Math
- History Alive
- Mind Mapping
What Is Not Funded
Kagan Charitable Foundation adheres strictly to the above criteria. Funding is focused on improvement of teaching through engaging teaching strategies. The following are not funded:
- Curriculum development
- Salaries or stipends for personnel or aides
- Travel, food, lodging
- Fundraisers, field trips, or sponsorships
- Classroom supplies or decorations
- Technology or equipment
- Professional development on topics other than teaching strategies
- Professional development for professions other than education
- Administrative fees
- Product or software development
Who Can Apply
K-12 educators at public, private and parochial schools are eligible to apply.
- Teachers. Individual teachers may apply to attend professional development.
- Schools. A single school site may apply to send teachers to attend professional development, or to bring professional development or coaching to their schools.
- School Districts. A school district may apply for professional development available to teachers within their school district.
Grant Amounts
Grants vary in size depending on the type of applicant and scale of professional development requested.
- Teachers. $100–$1,000
- Schools. $3,000–$10,000
- Districts. $10,000–$50,000
How to Apply
Complete and submit the online Kagan Charitable Foundation Grant Application form.
Not presently accepting district applications.
Cost Sharing or Matching
Cost sharing or matching is not required, but may be viewed favorably by the Review Board.
How Applications are Evaluated
Applications are reviewed by Kagan Charitable Foundation’s Review Board. Grants are awarded based on available funding, how well the professional development opportunity meets the established criteria, applicant’s need, and perceived impact of the professional development opportunity.
Application Deadline
Applications are due by April 15 each year.
Grant Award Announcements
Grant awards are announced May 15 each year.
Reporting and Requirements
Within 30 days of the completion of training funded by grant proceeds, grantee is required to submit to the Kagan Charitable Foundation required items and a final report. Requirements include receipts for expenses, a short video, photograph, and a grant report. Report includes the specifics of the training, key learnings, impact on teacher and students, and the current status of the program for ongoing trainings. The Foundation retains the right to suspend or cancel the remaining portion of the grant should the Board feel that the Grantee has failed to perform as committed.